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A Maryland Medical Marijuana Dispensary that Cares About You

Weโ€™d like to introduce ourselves! Meet your friendly neighborhood Maryland medical marijuana dispensary, Mary and Main, home to a diverse and knowledgeable staff of physicians and cannabis experts. We value our patients above all else. Our licensed specialists care deeply about those in need of assistance in dealing with their chronic pain and debilitating illnesses.  We stay true to the idea that medical marijuana is a much safer and reliable source of relief than opiates and other prescription drugs.  By keeping our product standards high and operating well within the laws and regulations of our jurisdiction, we ensure that our patients receive the absolute best customer service and experience you can get from a Maryland medical marijuana dispensary.  

But, who ARE we?

Passionate Pioneers Against Negative Stigma

Marijuana has been proven to be a renewable and amazingly beneficial alternative to many modern medicines.  Marijuana doesn’t come with the harsh and often toxic chemicals that many prescribed pharmaceuticals contain, and has been proven to assist in easing a wide range of physical and mental complaints.  However, due to the negative stigma that surrounds the plant, it has been difficult to get the product the positive attention it so rightly deserves.  We here at Mary & Main are avidly trying to change that negative stigma, and instead show our patients and others the incredible healing power that marijuana offers.

Philanthropists and Educators

In order to truly change the negativity that surrounds marijuana, we believe itโ€™s important to reach out to our community and create a healthy dialogue about alternative healthcare and responsible medicine.  We strive to give back to our community and are active in charity work and education efforts that expand awareness of cannabis medicine.

The Mary and Main team knows that by breaking down the mystery and rhetoric surrounding marijuana as a medicine and educating our community on its use and benefits, we can work together to open the minds of others and promote a more accepting environment for marijuana and its medicinal uses.  To fully uphold these ideas, we here at Mary & Main always respectively operate with the laws and regulations set forth for a Maryland medical marijuana dispensary in our industry, not only showing that we are serious about our dedication to providing a valuable service to our patients in need, but opening the way for learning and growth in the medical cannabis space as well.

Product Innovators

Weโ€™re committed to offering only the best medical cannabis products on the market. Our purity standards and attention to our patientsโ€™ needs drive us to partner with growers and processors that celebrate the healing and medicinal properties that marijuana possesses.  We encourage you to learn more about how cannabis can help you improve your health and wellbeing by visiting our dispensary and exploring the many exemplary products available in the great state of Maryland.


Mary & Main is an accredited and fully licensed medical marijuana dispensary in Capitol Heights, Maryland.  If you’d like to reach out to our staff with any question, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact us at 855-922-6626.  We would be more than happy to assist you and look forward to helping you get the medicine youโ€™ve been waiting for!

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