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Founder Feature : Dr Octavia Wiseman

Exciting things are happening at Mary and Main as we prepare for our store opening in August! We appreciate the patience from our fellow followers and are looking forward to meeting all of you! Until then, we are continuing with our Mary and Main Founder Features by highlighting the inspiring individuals who are making this dream possible! This month we turn the focus to owner Hope Wiseman’s mother, Dr. Octavia Wiseman.

Dr. Octavia Simkins-Wiseman has served Prince George’s County residents for over 20 years having graduated from Georgetown University College of Dentistry in 1990. Dr. Wiseman’s career goal is to provide generations of families with safe, sterile, and high-quality dental care to change the dynamics of how people feel about the world of dental care. She hopes to transfer her dental care industry goals into the Cannabis industry by giving her patients and community 100%.

Dr. Wiseman and her daughter, Hope, are taking the cannabis industry by storm and are determined to help improve the lives of those suffering from debilitating illnesses. If you’re a Maryland Medical Marijuana patient, be sure to stop by Mary and Main starting August 2018 for top quality medicine and care. If you have yet to apply for your Maryland Medical Marijuana Card, head over to the Mary and Main website to start the easy, 3-step process!


The mission of Mary and Main is to provide safe and premium quality products with compassionate service. No matter what health struggle you face, we strive to be the place you can come be educated and learn about your personal choices.

If you are ready to try medical cannabis, give us a call: (855) 922-6626

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