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Can CBD Oil Help the Opioid Crisis?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD oil, has been a hot topic of discussion recently. CBD oil has been studied on providing relief when treating various health issues such as anxiety, depression, heart disease, chronic pain, and more. As medical marijuana and CBD oil continue to grow in the healthcare world, more and more patients are opting for a natural relief opposed to pharmaceuticals. So, is it possible that CBD oil can help the opioid crisis? A new study finds CBD oil may help curb cravings that are associated with opioid addiction.  

Cannabidiol VS Opiate Addiction 

The American Journal of Psychiatry published a report stating patients who treated their symptoms with CBD oil experienced fewer cravings for opioids than the patients with the placebo. The report states, “The study’s lead researcher told CNN that the results indicate that CBD could serve as an effective over-the-counter method of treatment for people experiencing opioid withdrawal symptoms, leading to lower levels of people returning to drug use.“. Opiates are known to produce an intense craving, making CBD oil a great resource to limit the craving and reduce the chance of relapse. 

Benefits of CBD Oil

Along with using Cannabidiol for fighting against the opioid epidemic, there are a number of benefits associated with this treatment option. CBD oil is known for treating a variety of complications, ranging from everyday health issues to chronic ailments. A few health ailments CBD can help treat include:

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Chronic Pain
  • Epilepsy 
  • Glaucoma 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia 
  • Muscle Spasms
  • And more 

Is Treating With CBD Oil Right for You?

For those who reside in a state where medical marijuana is not yet legal, treating ailments with CBD oil is highly recommended. Not only is CBD oil a natural treatment option, but comes addiction free with minimal side effects. 

Mary and Main is a fully licensed and certified medical marijuana dispensary located in Capitol Heights, Maryland. Founded by doctors and experienced caregivers, Mary and Main provides safe, premium quality medical cannabis products with exemplary and compassionate service to all certified patients who are suffering from a number of chronic debilitating illnesses. 

Consult with our staff professionals to determine the best opiate-free, addiction-free treatment plan for your needs.

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