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Considerations When Choosing a Medical Marijuana Dispensary in Maryland

With the rise of medical marijuana dispensaries in Maryland, there have never been more options when it comes to purchasing cannabis. After visiting a licensed physician with your Maryland medical card, you may be wondering how to choose a dispensary that meets your needs. You want to ensure you’re purchasing safe, high quality medicine while receiving compassionate service. Consider these key points when searching for a medical marijuana dispensary in Maryland.

Positive Atmosphere

When entering a medical dispensary you should immediately feel welcomed. At Mary and Main, we make it a priority to welcome all customers, new or experienced. We believe it is crucial to develop a professional relationship with our patients, as a dispensary is a healing atmosphere. A medically knowledged staff member will greet you and answer any questions. You should not feel rushed, confused, or judged at a medical marijuana dispensary.

Products Available

Exploring the products available is another consideration when choosing a dispensary. An easily accessible menu with pricing, products, and descriptions will help you find the right strain. A dispensary should offer an array of medical products, allowing you to find your preferred option of consumption. This includes:

  • Smoking
  • Sublingual sprays
  • Edibles
  • Vaporizing
  • Tinctures
  • Topicals  
  • Tinctures
  • Cannabis tea

Health Safety

Perhaps one of the most important factors when browsing for medical marijuana is the health and safety of the store. A medical dispensary should abide by all health department regulations. Along with this, the store should present itself in a clean, welcoming environment. Ensuring cannabis is being stored properly and prescriptions are being filled with care are two points to look for.



Mary and Main is a fully licensed and certified medical marijuana dispensary located in Capitol Heights, Maryland. Founded by doctors and experienced caregivers, Mary and Main provides safe, premium quality medical cannabis products with exemplary and compassionate service to all certified patients who are suffering from a number of chronic debilitating illnesses.

Consult with our staff professionals to determine the best opiate-free, addiction-free treatment plan for your needs.

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