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Cannabis for PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious condition. People who experience trauma, neglect, abuse, war, or traumatic life events can have symptoms of PTSD which are debilitating. It may impact their personal lives, work, hobbies, and mental health may suffer over time. Some symptoms include agitation, flashbacks, memory issues, and nightmares. While people may try many different types of medications, there are other ways to cope. Medical cannabis is on the horizon for use as a support for symptoms of PTSD. Find out how it is used and why people are turning to it for relief. 


Cannabis Effects

The body produces cannabinoids that work with special receptors in the brain and body. This system works well when it is functioning and not impaired. After traumatic events, memory and other lapses can occur which impacts how it works. Certain components of the cannabis plant, including THC and cannabidiol, have the potential to treat conditions like PTSD. They engage the endocannabinoid system to influence biological processes. Research is still out on how it works in the body but there is hope it can have positive effects on the brain and body, providing relief for symptoms of PTSD.


Why it Helps

Medical marijuana has been shown to help the mental and physical symptoms of PTSD. The FDA approved the use of medical marijuana for veterans with PTSD because it relieves things like anxiety and hallucinations, along with physical symptoms of pain. The relief it offers helps reduce the likelihood of using substances to cope such as alcohol or other drugs. These risk factors go way up with symptoms of PTSD. The risk of self-harm or harming others also goes way up without any relief from symptoms.


Get Started

Recent studies are looking at how cannabinoids and PTSD work together and why this treatment may be effective. Cannabis use to help PTSD symptoms is nothing new for some people as a Portuguese botanist noted soldiers in India smoked marijuana to battle fatigue from war. Although the formulation was likely different than it is today, the mental and physical strain of combat was likely the same. Now it is more recognized as a physical and mental health impairment. Cannabis can aid in the relief of many symptoms of anxiety, help with insomnia, and support overall relief. People who suffer from PTSD are likely to struggle with the reality of their condition but don’t have to continue suffering if they decide to give cannabis a try. It just might help them feel better and support long-term overall health. There are no guarantees as to how well it might work but it is worth calling a professional to find out. 


Mary and Main will partner with you to find the best product for your situation. If you struggle with symptoms of PTSD, let us help you find relief. Call us today to get started.


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