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How Medical Marijuana Helps the Side Effects of Cancer

The research for using medical marijuana to help treat cancer has been proven to show cannabis containing a number of compounds that benefit patients. The plants provides relief from cancer-related symptoms, such as nausea, pain, and inflammation. Those who consumed medical marijuana during chemotherapy requested less pharmaceutical pain medication. Extended research as shown cannabis to shrink tumors or even slowing the growth all together. So, does treating cancer with medical marijuana help? Stay tuned:

Medical Marijuana VS Cancer

A majority of prescribed medications will leave patients feeling numb or empty, no matter how helpful they may be. Marijuana has been known to boost mood while managing chronic pain. A number of studies involving individuals undergoing cancer treatment have shown that medical marijuana can help in managing the following:


  • Pain. Cannabis is known to having the same effect has opioids, without the concern of pharmaceutical side effects. Marijuana holds anti-inflammatory compounds, therefore offering pain relief.
  • Nausea & Vomiting. Most patients treating cancer will experience nausea and vomiting from the chemotherapy course. Although there are a handful of medications available to treat nausea, they often come at a cost. Using medical marijuana to manage nausea is an all natural alternative that brings little-to-none side effects.
  • Boost Appetite. Those undergoing chemotherapy may have difficulty getting their nutritional intake in for the day. This may result from nausea, lack of energy or other chemo side effects. Marijuana is a common treatment option for those who are seeking a boost in appetite, allowing patients to get the nutrients they need.


Talking to Your Doctor About Medical Marijuana

While we continue to break the stigma around medical marijuana, it’s important to feel confident when discussing this treatment option with your doctor. Although cannabis cannot fully treat cancer, it is a proving alternative for managing the side effects of chemotherapy. If you live in the state of Maryland and are looking for an all natural medicine to help through this time, consider discussing the possibilities with your doctor and applying for your medical marijuana card.


Mary & Main is an accredited and fully licensed medical marijuana dispensary in Maryland.  If you’d like to reach out to Mary & Main with any question, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact us at 855-922-6626.  We would be more than happy to assist you with anything we can, and look forward to speaking with you.

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