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The Methodology of Using Marijuana Treatment for Cancer

Marijuana is derived from the leaves and bud of a plant known as cannabis. The medicinal practices of marijuana go back centuries, but the plant still brings controversy in The United States. Although marijuana is illegal under under federal law, many states are starting to push legalizing medical marijuana as a new treatment option. As of now, twenty-eight of the fifty states are proud to stand against the stigma of cannabis, and offer a new treatment option to those suffering from an array of disabilities or illnesses.

The Methodology of using marijuana treatment for cancer is a hot topic of conversation. The latest discoveries of how cannabis can help manage side effects of cancer during the treatment are proving the positive effects marijuana can offer the body.

So, How Does Marijuana Help Treat Cancer?

Marijuana holds an active ingredient known as cannabinoids which help regulate a number of biological functions in most organisms. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, otherwise called THC, is a cannabinoid that creates a “high” feeling. This feeling is common to those who have experienced marijuana, but the TCH goes deeper than this sensation. In recent studies, it has been shown that THC has the ability to be beneficial for many side effects of cancer and its treatments. These medical marijuana benefits against cancer include:


Working similar to opioids, marijuana delivers relief to those suffering from pain by having anti-inflammatory effects. The natural medicine is a positive alternative to opioids, although some patients may require treatment plans with the need of both.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage is a common complication that follows chemotherapy and other cancer treatments. Symptoms of nerve damage include a tingling sensation, feeling of weakness, or burning in hands and feet. Medical marijuana has been shown to provide relief from the effects of nerve damage.

Nausea and Vomiting

A well-known side effect of cancer treatment is nausea and vomiting, where marijuana has been shown to help treat these symptoms. There are many pharmaceuticals to treat this side effect, a synthetic cannabinoid known as Dronabinol to be one of them.

Weight Loss

A loss of appetite or unintentional weight loss is often experienced when undergoing chemotherapy or other treatments. The loss of nutrients and lean muscle are accompanied by feeling fatigued and unable to perform functional abilities. There are limited studies that demonstrate the effect of marijuana in managing appetite and energy.

Cancer Growth

Perhaps the most intrigued effect of medical marijuana is the ability to slow down or stop the growth of certain tumors. Further research is required to understand the safety profile and the potential effects of this treatment option. The labeling of marijuana as an illegal drug has made researching this topic limited, however we are taking a step in the right direction as we continue to introduce marijuana to the health industry.


Mary & Main is an accredited and fully licensed medical marijuana dispensary in Maryland.  If you’d like to reach out to Mary & Main with any question, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact us at 855-922-6626.  We would be more than happy to assist you with anything we can, and look forward to speaking with you!

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